Friday, April 4, 2014

Gallery 50 {A Day in My Life}

Everyday I read.  I read to my two sons.  Ever since they were between 6-9 months old I have read books to them.  Typically it's right before nap time - we read 1 or 2 books together - sometimes more.  With the exception of being out of town or sickness, there has not been a day go by sans reading.  I love that they love it.  They will sit with anyone (even my 18 month old) and listen patiently through rather lengthy books.  It's quite amazing really.  And I know I will cherish those sweet moments we share together for the rest of my life.
Project #14

1 comment:

  1. How lovely that you take the time to read to your boys. I hope that in the future they will have memories of those moments when you chose to be patient & loving. Beautiful B&W photo as well.
